SUMMER OF SCI-FI: 06.01.2023 to 09.01.2023
Are “work romances,” a thing of the past, or a new “love tactic” for singles going into the future? We hope the answer is yes, but we know that so many people hate their jobs. Or there is not one there to date. They’re all married. Or, I work with fabulous gay guys, and they’re all married! What is a single lady with Paris on her mind supposed to do?
Our List:
- Believe in the power of love.
- Believe in yourself.
- Maybe join a professional organization of singles in your profession. You would instantly have things in common.Â
- OR, start a business with the person you find. Use the romance to increase your finances.Â
- Once love is found, always take time to cherish it, grow it, and remind him that “all work, and no play,” isn’t good for the relationship enduring.Â
Kisses from PARIS!!!
PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Tomorrow is the last day of the supper-issue for the Summer of Sci-Fi 2023. Thanks for all those who dropped by and sent in fan mail. We’ll do it again in 2024. Please SHARE and LIKE our posts. Tell people about the magazine too. Thanks!!!