LADIES, Gentleman, and all “Fabulous People;” we the salute you this November and hope you’re enjoying the beauty of autumn. Whether you be in Paris, NYC, Milan, London, Sydney, or whatever part of the world; may you always reach for adventure. Fall in love with the journey.
Sit down and make a list of places you like to visit. Then make a budget for them. If funds are low, don’t worry. Push beyond negative self-talk and make goals into realties. Don’t take in the opinions of naysayers. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they’re normally “shitty.”
So, push beyond these small minds and dream big. If budget woes are bad, then go to the museum or a restaurant of the favorite country you wish to visit. Or, use your printer and print out images of that place and hang on the wall. In time, the universe and GOD will conspire to make it happen. Keep the faith of a saint, and chase after love and romance like a pirate looking for treasure.
Kisses from PARIS!!!