19 January, 2025


Beaux Hommes Magazine brings Paris, French stuff, fashion, and sexy men for women. Click on our articles and view our videos for our favorites.

A French Frye in Paris: Women of the Luxembourg Gardens – #130

LADIES, this is a wonderful video made for Women’s History Month. A French Frye in Paris, pays homage to the beautiful and brave women of French history. They adorn the Luxembourg Gardens of Paris and the project was launched in 1840s during the French Restoration period. A “rethink” in French history following the French Revolution, in which French people rethought the role of the monarchy in France and various monuments were built to celebrate them.

See you in Paris soon. Kisses from Paris!!!


In honor of Women’s History Month this episode focuses on the female statues that adorn the Luxembourg Gardens, often overlooked but rich with stories and interesting characters. Walking through the gardens and exploring the dynamic women who contributed to French history. For information, please go here: http://www.afrenchfryeinparis.com

VIDEO: Courtesy of A French Frye in Paris. They make wonderful content. Please subscribe to their YouTube channel. For more information, please go here: A French Frye in Paris

A French Frye in Paris