11 September, 2024


Beaux Hommes Magazine brings Paris, French stuff, fashion, and sexy men for women. Click on our articles and view our videos for our favorites.

The Edge of the Blade / Une affaire d’honneur (2023) – Trailer (English Subs)

We loved this film! A woman, ahead of her time. A man in love with a powerful woman, going against society’s view of women and their roles. Throw in fencing and duels, this gem of a French import has all the things to make movie night special. Add French food, popcorn, and love of good cinema.

Kisses from PARIS!!!

ABOUT (English):

Paris, 1887. In a rapidly evolving society, the duel is the last place where one can defend his honor. Clement Lacaze, the charismatic Master of Arms, and Marie-Rose Astie de Valsayre, an early-day feminist, battle side by side, paying no heed to the threats and dangers that menace them.


Directed by : Vincent Perez
Produced by : Gaumont
Genre: Fiction – Runtime: 1 h 41 min
French release: 27/12/2023
Production year: 2023

Paris, 1887. Dans une société en pleine mutation, où le duel est la dernière issue pour faire respecter son honneur, Clément Lacaze, charismatique maître d’armes et Marie-Rose Astié de Valsayre, féministe en avance sur son époque, vont se battre côte à côte, faisant fi des menaces et des dangers qui les guettent …