Summer of Sci-Fi 2023 – Super-Issue Thoughts & Love


SUMMER OF SCI-FI 2023: Thanks for another hot issue!!!

LADIES and Gentleman, and of course; all “fabulous people,” we send our love and grace to you. The summer is officially over, once we crossed into September. It was a hot one! 

To be honest, it was very “dystopian” and all of us here at BEAUX HOMMES felt an odd sense of “Deja vu.” Like we’ve seen this sci-fi film before. The year was 2022 in Soylent Green, staring Charleston Heston. It won’t be long before we question tasty treats, with “proprietary recipes.” Hmm…Oh we digress and apologize for this. 

Regardless it’s getting hot and we implore our readers to recycle and get more environmentally friendly and fast. No more BS on this issue. Something needs to be done. 

We also would like to take the time for everyone who dropped by for our annual SUMMER OF SCI-FI super-issue. It was fun exploring future worlds and all the wonderful sci-fi themes presented over the decades. Especially if they featured handsome men. It was a good time, had by all and we thank you for spending your summer with us. The next one is scheduled for:

June 1st, 2024 – September 1st, 2024

Until then, we encourage you to always be positive and ride into a pleasant future full of love and focus, and always create.

Kisses from PARIS!!!